
On the lighter side of life, lets discuss something that may make sense [not that, it HAS to!]. :-)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Problem on a planet called earth...

Which one of following is gravest of all problems, currently prevailing in world!!???

  1. Poverty and Hunger
  2. George Bush
  3. Female fetus killing
  4. Pamela Anderson [those who opted for this, dontcha dare to come to my blog ever again… It was a trick question!!]
  5. Crime
  6. Microsoft Windows
  7. Nuclear Warheads and Wars
  8. Intricate hyperbole malfunctioning in teleportation module of KBH-232
  9. Toxic Waste
  10. Animal Killing and extinction
  11. Ozone depletion
  12. Inclination of human species towards nakedness
  13. Pollution
  14. Fashion TV [hulloo…..??? That’s another one of my trick question you sicko!!]
  15. Alcohol and Drugs
  16. AIDS, Common Cold and other deadly diseases! [If you did not know, Cold does not have a CURE!]
  17. Terrorism
  18. Child Labor and exploitation
  19. Farting in public [Maybe we can cover it under pollution]
  20. Population Explosion
  21. Extra terrestrial Invasion
  22. Human Rights
  23. Harry Potter
  24. Death
  25. This Blog! [$#@@#$ off!! NOW!! You Dope! Why did u come here in first place?]

I would be grateful, if you could leave some encouraging comments and share your views!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ramblings of insolent mind...

Now here is another post which is definitly not only inspired by Post Secret but also takes mediocre pride in accepting the fact, that following extracts are taken from above mentioned website. But that is because, this time topic revolves around hidden inticracies of obfuscated human mind, "titled" as "Ramblings of insolent mind..". This not only includes people who have courage to "print" their utmost intimate secrets on a public blog, but also people like me and you, who are coward enough to not accept that somewhere inside, we have a demon lurking, crazy and inordinate in it's own ways; waiting for his nimble chance; while we try best of our lame efforts to try and hide, what might be termed as "abnormal tendencies" [quite hypocritic it is though]. [I am 100% ridiculed, by the way, i choose to put it. In simpler words, i would say, it's pathetic] But thats how, "normal"[if there was ever a word like that] people accept it.
I do not feel disgraced or decayed in accepting that i am one of "those". I still laugh over this small mundane and frequently used word, after one of my friend took the honor of entitling them to be "those". And that time, all i could appreciate was, her honesty towards the fact that she thought that they are, not one of us. Though after that moment, it was definitly funny, walking down that path, hearing "ramblings of a sane mind" which did not count as "friend's company" anymore.. J

Anyway, before i deviate from main course any furthur, i would like tell, that this time, blog is about choosing, which of the following confession is an act of "REAL COURAGE".

  1. I wish I could tell my parents i am famous. I am a porn star.
  2. I tell the other moms that I want another baby... but what I really want is another puppy.
  3. Everytime i go over a bridge i have to restrain myself from driving off.
  4. I trashed my parents' house to look like I had a party while they were out of town.. so my mom would think i had friends..
  5. Medications are not enough to make me forget what he did to me... if I see him again, I will kill him to save the others.
  6. What hurts more than losing you is knowing that you are not fighting to keep me.
  7. I am 100% sure that I'd be a rapist ... if I'd been born a man.
  8. I feel guilty about sometimes wishing that I didn't have children. I don't say it out loud for fear I might trigger something bad happening to them.
  9. I am taking anti-psychotics for hallucinations... but I have never hallucinated in my life.
  10. When I was little I would wish upon a star for my dad to die.
  11. I often think, that my husband's death would solve many of my problems.
  12. I only smoke pall-mall cigarettes so I can remember you forty times a day.
  13. When I listen to my patients all I can think about is how I drag that razor across my skin too... and now I miss it.
  14. My mom killed my dad long before he killed himself.
  15. when I find a picture on the ground or at school, I put them in my scrap book and write a paragraph and pretend the people in it are my friends.
  16. I am homeless, no one [not even my family] knows about it.
  17. When I was a child my stepfather brutally raped and beat me for seven horrible years - but that isn't my secret. The secret is sometimes it makes me feel kind of good. And that makes me hate myself.
  18. I agreed to get an abortion in order for my new ex-husband to marry me. I should have kept my baby and murdered him instead.
  19. The meds don't work. but I say they do. And no one knows.
  20. I miss feeling close to god.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What If Your Son Turns Out To Be Gay!!

I was just dwindling away with my thoughts, with huge backpack strapped to shoulders and eyes fixed into star studded sky. Now, of course I wasn’t keeping a lookout for any extra terrestrial life, which bollywood directors, have so amazingly and of course breathtakingly, explored with a nonchalant grace in what you would call a little more than dumb and pathetic attempt. No, I was just waiting for my bus to make its way into parking lot, so that I could start with my ride back to school hostel in last week of summer vacations.
And then suddenly this guy walks up next to me and stares me in a very uncomfortable way. Now if it was him, who looked uncomfortable, I would have assumed that he was constipated with the cheap tea-stall food outside the bus stand; but as a matter of fact, it was me who was uneasy. After all, what kind of a guy, looks at some high school kid’s crotch in an admiring way? Nevertheless, I let the music going, from my portable player, and tried to look absorbed in my own world.
It’s still hazy that how conversation started, but sure, it wasn’t too intriguing. And in minutes I was sure that this guy was “gay”. [For those who are wondering that here comes another exaggerated story from Priyank… well hold your thoughts; because every word of this one is truth. For alibi I can ask few people like Prateek mehra to stand up for me; with whom I shared the incident in first/second year of engineering. I hope he still remembers it in his sane mind.]
Anyway, I tried to make a getaway from the unwanted company, by taking a lee in loo. [Ya... I know; what a dumb idea!] Anyway, the guy not only followed me, but looked ecstatic at the mere idea, that, I am heading towards the restroom. [Truthfully, they were really greasy and stinky to be even termed as restroom. It was a small bus stand of a smaller town]. Thanks to all the aptitude puzzles and the sex education my friends had given me by then, I just retraced my steps back, from half way, to a group of people who looked like what you would think as descendent of “Adam’s family”.
So the point of whole incident is not, that “I am not Gay” [actually now that I think of it, I can say that again!] but instead, the point of debate is, what if you get married to find out, that when u have a perfect son for a kid; and he turns out to be gay!
What would u do??
a. Kill him and be absconding?
b. Kill yourself and be absconding [duh..!??]
c. Kill everyone else in visible range.
d. Start saving for grand marriage and help him find his soul mate.
e. Disown him! J
f. Or probably join a club called “The Gay United” so that when u reveal news to whole community, you can showcase it as a matter of “Pride” rather than “Shame”. [Pretty neat idea huh?!]

Well, so much for the topic… I know not many people have patience to go through it. But incase you did your part of humanity by reading it word-by-word [averting the gaze of guy sitting next, who might be suddenly interested about that three letter word on your screen]; I really doubt that anyone will actually reply. But I would still request [in vain probably] that I would love to see some concern and views about the topic posted here. And humorous comments, presenting the lighter side, will be cheered more!! J

Abroad it’s not a big deal. In India, people are still too conservative to accept the realities of nature. Let’s see, which side you fall on. As for my own views, I shall wait for few days until someone starts [or maybe no one does]. Also let me know, if you are one of the people who love blogging, and would like some topic of your own to start off here; would be glad to do so! J

P.S. à This blog topic is inspired from various “Post Secret” messages, which are posted every week there. I thought maybe, I could find out, how world would actually react when they come to know about secrets like that. It’s a lame effort, as only few have real concerns, time and energy for such things. Yet, let the ones who are interested, be a part of it.

Happy Blogging...

The Beginning

wow!! finally i have brought up a place to stick up all the garbage [and probably even make people read it]
Well, welcome... to whatever this crazy sounding place is "GagByte" :-)
Ya, i know that name is sad. But i can assure you that articles and conversation pasted here can be even sadder. [that is if there is a word like that]
Now to start with i need few good topics to blabber on... [blah][blah][blah].
Before i make start with first post, one of these days, i must make it clear, that i am NOT pasting any jokes, articles or crappy send-to-10-ppl forwards... instead and in fact, all the content is 100% original and personified to represent my views, and your "valuable" [i feel soooo hypocrite right now...] comments. i.e. if u leave any. [not that i am expecting you to]
So..thats all for the start. Keep visitng and let me know from time to time how pathetic it is getting with each setting sun...
So long...